To promote early detection and intervention for all Australian children with permanent hearing impairment.
- To promote the establishment of high quality screening programs for the early detection of permanent childhood hearing impairment throughout Australia.
- To promote accessible and appropriate assessment, both audiological and medical, for all children who are identified by those screening programs.
- To promote immediate and appropriate intervention for all children identified with permanent hearing impairment in Australia.
- To promote immediate and appropriate support for all parents of children identified with permanent hearing impairment in Australia.
- To promote the establishment of a national database of permanent childhood hearing impairment, covering severity, aetiology, age of onset and manner of detection, in every state, territory or health region of Australia, for the monitoring of outcomes and epidemiology to inform research and service provision.
- To develop appropriate models, standards and protocols for high quality early detection and intervention for permanent childhood hearing impairment in Australia.
- To ensure appropriate evaluation of process and outcome for all the above.
- To promote research into the delivery and outcomes of early detection and intervention for permanent childhood hearing impairment in Australia.
- To facilitate discussion and sharing of experience among those concerned with early detection and intervention for permanent childhood hearing impairment in Australia.
This website and the information it contains is not intended as a substitute for professional consultation with a qualified practitioner.